PC Shareware 1997 February
PC Shareware 1997-02.iso
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Text File
1,406 lines
Begin Code
End Code
Type DefaultDialogFont From Font
End Type
Type CommonDialog From CommonDialog
End Type
Type ColorDialog From ColorDialog
End Type
Type WizardMaster
Const WM_BACK& = 3
Const WM_NEXT& = 4
Type StepTraverser
Dim theStep As WizardMaster.FrmStep
' METHODS for object: WizardMaster.StepTraverser
Sub FindFirstStep(o As Object)
If TypeOf o Is WizardMaster.FrmStep Then
If Not o.BackStep Then
theStep = o
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub FindLastStep(o As Object)
If TypeOf o Is WizardMaster.FrmStep Then
If Not o.NextStep Then
theStep = o
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Init(o As Object)
If TypeOf o Is WizardMaster.FrmStep Then
o.initialized = False
End If
End Sub
Sub SetCaption(o As Object)
If TypeOf o Is WizardMaster.FrmStep Then
o.Caption = o.wizard.Title
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type Wizard
Dim Bitmap As New Bitmap
Dim title_ As String
Property Title Get getTitle Set setTitle As String
Property GraphicFileName Get getGraphicFileName Set setGraphicFileName As String
Property FirstStep Get getFirstStep Set setFirstStep As WizardMaster.FrmStep
Property LastStep Get getLastStep Set setLastStep As WizardMaster.FrmStep
Event Finish(ok As Boolean)
Event Cancel()
' METHODS for object: WizardMaster.Wizard
Function getFirstStep() As WizardMaster.FrmStep
Dim t As New WizardMaster.StepTraverser
EnumObjectEmbeds(Me, t, "FindFirstStep")
getFirstStep = t.theStep
End Function
Function getGraphicFileName() As String
getGraphicFileName = Bitmap.FileName
End Function
Function getLastStep() As WizardMaster.FrmStep
Dim t As New WizardMaster.StepTraverser
EnumObjectEmbeds(Me, t, "FindLastStep")
getLastStep = t.theStep
End Function
Function getTitle() as String
getTitle = title_
End Function
Function NewStep(name as String) As WizardMaster.FrmStep
Dim s as WizardMaster.FrmStep
Dim prevStep as WizardMaster.FrmStep
' Verify that we don't already have step with this name
If FindEmbed(Me, name) Then Throw DuplicateStep(name)
' Cache LastStep prior to embedding new step
' (prior to hooking up new step, LastStep is unreliable)
prevStep = LastStep
' Embed a step in the form
s = EmbedObject(Me, WizardMaster.FrmStep, name)
' Let the step connect to us as its containing wizard
s.ConnectToWizard(Me, prevStep, Nothing)
' Return the new step
NewStep = s
End Function
Sub RemoveStep(s as WizardMaster.FrmStep)
' Remove this step from the group
' Destroy the step
End Sub
Sub RemoveStepByName(name as String)
Dim s as WizardMaster.FrmStep
' Find the step we want to remove, or throw
s = FindObject(name)
If Not s Then Throw StepNotFound(name)
' Remove this step
End Sub
Sub setFirstStep(s As WizardMaster.FrmStep)
Dim currentFirst As WizardMaster.FrmStep
If Not s || HostObject(s) <> Me Then Exit Sub
' Find the current first step
currentFirst = FirstStep
If currentFirst = s Then Exit Sub
' Disconnect the incoming step from us (the wizard)
' Hook up the Back & Next steps accordingly
s.BackStep = Nothing
s.NextStep = currentFirst
If currentFirst Then currentFirst.BackStep = s
End Sub
Sub setGraphicFileName(n as String)
Bitmap.FileName = n
End Sub
Sub setLastStep(s As WizardMaster.FrmStep)
Dim currentLast As WizardMaster.FrmStep
If Not s || HostObject(s) <> Me Then Exit Sub
' Find the current last step
currentLast = LastStep
If currentLast = s Then Exit Sub
' Disconnect the incoming step from us (the wizard)
' Hook up the Back & Next steps accordingly
s.BackStep = currentLast
s.NextStep = Nothing
If currentLast Then currentLast.NextStep = s
End Sub
Sub setTitle(newTitle as String)
Dim t as WizardMaster.StepTraverser
title_ = newTitle
EnumObjectEmbeds(Me, t, "SetCaption")
End Sub
Sub Show
Dim t As New WizardMaster.StepTraverser
' If we have no first step, inform user of an empty wizard
If Not FirstStep Then
InfoBox.Message("Incomplete Wizard", "Wizard " & Me & " has no steps.")
Exit Sub
End If
' Set the initialize property of each step to False
EnumObjectEmbeds(Me, t, "Init")
' Display the first step
FirstStep.Display(Nothing, "Next", False)
End Sub
Function ShowModal As Long
Dim r as Long
Dim nextStep, currStep as WizardMaster.FrmStep
Dim defaultDirection as String
Dim t As New WizardMaster.StepTraverser
' If we have no first step, inform user of an empty wizard
If Not FirstStep Then
InfoBox.Message("Incomplete Wizard", "Wizard " & Me & " has no steps.")
Exit Function
End If
' Set the initialize property of each step to False
EnumObjectEmbeds(Me, t, "Init")
' Until we get a cancel or finish, display steps.
currStep = Nothing
nextStep = FirstStep
defaultDirection = "Next"
r = nextStep.Display(currStep, defaultDirection, True)
currStep = nextStep
If (r = WizardMaster.WM_BACK) Then
nextStep = currStep.BackStep
defaultDirection = "Back"
ElseIf (r = WizardMaster.WM_NEXT) Then
nextStep = currStep.NextStep
defaultDirection = "Next"
ShowModal = r
Exit Function
End If
Loop While True
End Function
End Type
Type FrmStep From Form
Dim wizard As Object
Dim BtnFinish As New Button
Dim BtnNext As New Button
Dim BtnBack As New Button
Dim BtnCancel As New Button
Dim ImgGraphic As New Image
Dim LblInstruction As New Label
Dim Frame1 As New Frame
Dim NextStep As Form
Dim BackStep As Form
Dim initialized As Long
Dim inheritImageSize As Long
Event Cancel()
Event ValidateBack(ok As Boolean)
Event ValidateDisplay(ok As Boolean)
Event ValidateNext(ok As Boolean)
Event ValidateFinish(ok As Boolean)
' METHODS for object: WizardMaster.FrmStep
Sub BtnBack_Click()
Dim ok As Boolean
' If we have no previous step, throw
If Not BackStep Then Throw NoBackStep
' Raise the back event on the step and its containing wizard
ok = True
SendEvent ValidateBack(ok)
' Return a WM_BACK result or display prev step if ok
If ok Then
If ShownModal Then
ModalResult WizardMaster.WM_BACK
BackStep.Display(Me, "Back", False)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub BtnCancel_Click()
' Raise the Cancel event on the step and containing wizard
' This invokes Me.Cancel or wizard.StepName_Cancel if
' either exists
SendEvent Cancel()
' Raise the Cancel event on the wizard alone.
' This invokes wizard.Cancel if it exists
SendEvent wizard.Cancel()
' Hide and return a CANCEL result if ok
ModalResult IDCANCEL
End Sub
Sub BtnFinish_Click()
Dim ok As Boolean
' Raise the validatefinish event on the step and its containing
' wizard
' This invokes: Me.ValidateFinish(ok) and
' wizard.StepName_ValidateFinish(ok)
' if either exists
ok = True
SendEvent ValidateFinish(ok)
' Also raise finish event on the wizard alone.
' This invokes wizard.Finish(ok) if it exists.
SendEvent wizard.Finish(ok)
' Hide and return an OK result if ok
If ok Then
ModalResult IDOK
End If
End Sub
Sub BtnNext_Click()
Dim ok As Boolean
' If we have no next step, throw
If Not NextStep Then Throw NoNextStep
' Raise the next event on the step and its containing wizard
ok = True
SendEvent ValidateNext(ok)
' Return a WM_NEXT result or display next step if ok
If ok Then
If ShownModal Then
ModalResult WizardMaster.WM_NEXT
NextStep.Display(Me, "Next", False)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ConnectToWizard(w as WizardMaster.Wizard, prevStep as WizardMaster.FrmStep, nextStep as WizardMaster.FrmStep)
' Cache away the wizard parent pointer
wizard = w
' Insert us between the steps
BackStep = prevStep
NextStep = nextStep
' Fix up preceding and next steps if there
If nextStep Then nextStep.BackStep = Me
If prevStep Then prevStep.NextStep = Me
' Set step's caption to the name of the wizard
Caption = wizard.Title
' Connect the step's graphic to our default bitmap
ImgGraphic.Picture = wizard.Bitmap
' Initialize the instruction field
LblInstruction.Caption = "Write instructions for step " & Me & " here..."
End Sub
Sub DisconnectFromWizard()
' If we don't have a wizard, we are disconnected
If Not wizard Then Exit Sub
' If we had a previous step, fix up his next reference
If BackStep Then BackStep.NextStep = NextStep
' If we have a next step, fix up his previous reference
If NextStep Then NextStep.BackStep = BackStep
End Sub
Function Display (curStep As WizardMaster.FrmStep, direction As String, modal As Boolean) As Long
Dim ok as Boolean
' Enable Next and Back buttons if they lead somewhere
BtnBack.Enabled = BackStep
BtnNext.Enabled = NextStep
' Set default button based on direction and position
If direction = "Next" Then
DefaultButton = IIf(NextStep, BtnNext, BtnFinish)
DefaultButton = IIf(BackStep, BtnBack, IIf(NextStep, BtnNext, BtnFinish))
End If
' Move me to the same position as curStep form
If curStep Then Move(curStep.Left, curStep.Top, curStep.Width, curStep.Height)
' Validate the show by rasing the ValidateDisplay Event
' ok is passed by reference, so we will see any changes
' handlers make to it. Load the form prior to validate to
' ensure creation of windows for controls we may be initing
ok = True
SendEvent ValidateDisplay(ok)
' If Display is not valid, throw
If Not ok Then Throw InvalidStep
' Show me
' If we are coming from somewhare...
If curStep Then
' Hide the curStep form
' If we moved forward from this place,
' make sure we can get back
If direction = "Next" Then BackStep = curStep
End If
Display = IIf(modal, ShowModal, -1)
End Function
Sub Resize()
Dim hMargin, vMargin As Integer
Dim btnTop as Integer
' Initialize margins
hMargin = 75 : vMargin = 150
' Position Buttons. Use finish size to enforce uniformity
btnTop = ScaleHeight - vMargin - BtnFinish.Height
BtnFinish.Move(ScaleWidth - hMargin - BtnFinish.Width, btnTop, BtnFinish.Width, BtnFinish.Height)
BtnNext.Move(BtnFinish.Left - hMargin - BtnFinish.Width, btnTop, BtnFinish.Width, BtnFinish.Height)
BtnBack.Move(BtnNext.Left - BtnFinish.Width, btnTop, BtnFinish.Width, BtnFinish.Height)
BtnCancel.Move(BtnBack.Left - hMargin - BtnFinish.Width, btnTop, BtnFinish.Width, BtnFinish.Height)
' Position the Button separator
Frame1.Move(hMargin, btnTop - (vMargin + hMargin), ScaleWidth - (2 * hMargin), Frame1.Height)
' Position the image if we have a wizard and we aren't
' the first step
If wizard && inheritImageSize && wizard.FirstStep Then
If wizard.FirstStep <> Me Then
Dim pi As Image
pi = wizard.FirstStep.ImgGraphic
ImgGraphic.Move(pi.Left, pi.Top, pi.Width, pi.Height)
End If
End If
' Position the Instruction label
LblInstruction.Width = ScaleWidth - LblInstruction.Left - 2 * hMargin
End Sub
End Type
Dim Font As New Font
' METHODS for object: WizardMaster
Function NewWizard(name as String, title as String) As WizardMaster.Wizard
Dim w as WizardMaster.Wizard
' Verify that the name is open
If (FindObject(name)) Then Throw DuplicateWizard(name)
' Create a top level object with the given name as a kind
' of wizard
w = CopyObject(Wizard, name)
' Set wizard's title
w.Title = title
' Return the new wizard
NewWizard = w
End Function
End Type
Type SelectDirectoryDialog From Form
Type BtnOk From Button
' METHODS for object: SelectDirectoryDialog.BtnOk
Sub Click()
If Parent Then
Parent.ModalResult IDOK
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type BtnCancel From Button
' METHODS for object: SelectDirectoryDialog.BtnCancel
Sub Click()
If Parent Then
Parent.ModalResult IDCANCEL
End If
End Sub
End Type
Dim TbDir As New TextBox
Dim LblDir As New Label
Dim CbDrives As New FileComboBox
Dim LblDrive As New Label
Type LstDirs From IndentedList
Dim bitmap As New Bitmap
Dim scratchLevel As Integer
Dim scratchPos As Integer
Dim scratchIndex As Integer
Dim CurrDrive As String
Dim scratchParent As Integer
Property SelPath Get GetSelPath Set SetSelPath As String
' METHODS for object: SelectDirectoryDialog.LstDirs
Sub AddExpansionItem(filename As String, attr As Long)
If attr And &H10 Then ' It's a directory
Dim i As Integer
i = InsertItem(Mid(filename, scratchPos), 0, scratchLevel, scratchIndex)
SetItemCanExpand(i, True)
SetItemData(i, scratchParent)
End If
End Sub
Sub Collapsed(ByVal itemIndex as Integer, ByVal itemData as Long, itemObj as Object)
SetItemIcon(itemIndex, 0)
End Sub
Sub Expand(ByVal itemIndex as Integer, ByVal itemData as Long, itemObj as Object)
Dim path As String
Dim dir As New Directory
Dim count As Long
count = ListCount
path = GetItemPath(itemIndex, itemData)
dir.Path = path
scratchLevel = ItemLevel(itemIndex) + 1
scratchIndex = itemIndex + 1
scratchPos = Len(path) + 2
scratchParent = itemIndex
dir.EnumContents(Me, "AddExpansionItem", "", False)
If ListCount > count Then SetItemIcon(itemIndex, 1)
End Sub
Function FindDir(path As String) As Integer
Dim i, l As Integer
Dim p, r As String
Dim pos As Integer
' Make sure the drive part of path is the same as CurrDrive
If StrComp(CurrDrive, Left(path, 3), 1) Then
FindDir = -1
Exit Function
End If
' For each component of path, find item at successive levels or bail.
r = Mid(path, 4)
l = 0 : i = -1
While r <> ""
pos = Instr(r, "\")
If pos Then
p = Left(r, pos - 1)
r = Mid(r, pos + 1)
p = r
r = ""
End If
i = FindItem(p, i + 1, l, False)
If i < 0 Then
FindDir = -1
Exit Function
l = l + 1
End If
' If we get here, the i'th item matched given path
FindDir = i
End Function
Function FindItem(itemString As String, ByVal startIndex As Integer, ByVal restrictLevel As Integer, ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean) As Integer
Dim i, l, n As Integer
i = startIndex
n = ListCount
While i < n
l = ItemLevel(i)
If l < restrictLevel Then
i = n ' Exit loop and fail
ElseIf restrictLevel = -1 || l = restrictLevel Then
If StrComp(itemString, ItemString(i), Not caseSensitive) = 0 Then
FindItem = i
Exit Function
End If
End If
i = i + 1
FindItem = -1
End Function
Function GetItemPath(ByVal itemIndex As Integer, ByVal itemData As Long) As String
Dim path As String
path = ItemString(itemIndex)
While itemData >= 0
path = ItemString(itemData) & "\" & path
itemData = ItemData(itemData)
GetItemPath = CurrDrive & path
End Function
Function GetSelPath() As String
Dim i As Integer
i = ListIndex
GetSelPath = IIf(i >= 0, GetItemPath(i, ItemData(i)), "")
End Function
Sub ResetDrive(newDrv As String)
Dim dir As New Directory
scratchPos = 4
scratchIndex = 0
scratchLevel = 0
scratchParent = -1
CurrDrive = newDrv & "\"
dir.Path = CurrDrive
dir.EnumContents(Me, "AddExpansionItem", "", False)
End Sub
Sub SetSelPath(path As String)
ListIndex = FindDir(path)
End Sub
End Type
Dim dir As New Directory
Dim ignoreClick As Boolean
Dim dirMustExist As Boolean
' METHODS for object: SelectDirectoryDialog
Sub AddRootDirItem(filename As String, attr As Long)
If attr And &H10 Then ' It's a directory
LstDirs.AddItem(Mid(filename, 4), 0)
End If
End Sub
Sub CbDrives_Click()
Dim drvCurrDir, saveCurrDir, newDrv As String
' Find current dir for the new drive, reset to show that dir.
newDrv = CbDrives.SelPath
saveCurrDir = dir.CurrentDir
dir.CurrentDir = newDrv
drvCurrDir = dir.CurrentDir
dir.CurrentDir = saveCurrDir
TbDir.Text = drvCurrDir
' Init dirs list with top-level directories on new drive.
LstDirs.SelPath = drvCurrDir
End Sub
Sub CreateDirectory(path As String)
' For each element of path, ensure dir exists or make it.
' If can't ensure/make any element, bail with a message box.
Dim s, p, r As String
Dim pos As Integer
' For each component of path, find item at successive levels or bail.
p = Left(path, 3)
r = Mid(path, 4)
While r <> ""
pos = Instr(r, "\")
If pos Then
s = Left(r, pos)
r = Mid(r, pos + 1)
s = r
r = ""
End If
p = p & s
dir.Path = p
If Not dir.Exists Then dir.Create
If Not dir.Exists Then
Dim errBox As New MessageBox
errBox.Message("Error", "Unable to create directory:^M" & path)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function Execute(initialPath As String, mustExist As Boolean, promptToCreate As Boolean) As String
' Returns empty string on ANY cancel, dir path on OK.
' If 'mustExist', then user can only select existing dirs, and 'promptToCreate' is ignored.
' If not 'mustExist', then:
' - If 'promptToCreate' and selected dir doesn't exist, user is asked whether to create it.
Dim r As Long
dir.Path = initialPath
dirMustExist = mustExist
BtnOk.Enabled = True
r = ShowModal
If r = IDOK Then
Dim text As String
text = TbDir.Text
If Not mustExist && promptToCreate Then
dir.Path = text
If Not dir.Exists Then
Dim ync As New YesNoCancelBox
ync.title = "Create directory"
ync.message = "Directory:^M" & text & "^Mdoes not exist.^M^MCreate directory?"
Select Case ync.Execute
' Do nothing, Execute will still return selected directory.
Case Else ' IDCANCEL or error
' Cancel entire directory select.
Execute = ""
Exit Function
End Select
End If
End If
Execute = text
Execute = ""
End If
End Function
Sub LstDirs_Click()
If Not ignoreClick Then TbDir.Text = LstDirs.SelPath
End Sub
Sub ReconfigLists
Dim path As String
path = dir.FullPathName
If path = "" Then path = dir.CurrentDir
CbDrives.SelectDrive(Left(path, 2))
TbDir.Text = path
End Sub
Sub Resize()
Dim m, mm, l, t, w, h, effWidth As Single
m = 75 : mm = 150
effWidth = IIf(ScaleWidth < 3000, 3000, ScaleWidth)
w = BtnOk.Width
l = effWidth - m - w
t = BtnOk.Top
h = BtnOk.Height
BtnOk.Move(l, t, w, h)
t = t + h + m
BtnCancel.Move(l, t, w, h)
t = t + h + mm
LblDrive.Move(l, t, w, h - m)
t = t + h
CbDrives.Move(l, t, w, h)
TbDir.Width = l - mm - TbDir.Left
LstDirs.Width = l - mm - LstDirs.Left
LstDirs.Height = ScaleHeight - m - LstDirs.Top
End Sub
Sub TbDir_Change()
Dim text As String
text = TbDir.Text
ignoreClick = True : LstDirs.SelPath = text : ignoreClick = False
If dirMustExist Then
dir.Path = text
BtnOk.Enabled = dir.Exists
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type MessageBox
Dim result As Long
Dim hWndOwner As Long
Dim style As Long
Dim title As String
Dim message As String
' METHODS for object: MessageBox
Function Execute() as long
dim m, t as string
dim s, autobusy as long
If Len(message) > 0 Then m = message Else m = "Never mind"
If Len(title) > 0 Then t = title Else t = Me
autobusy = App.AutoBusySignal
App.AutoBusySignal = False
' If there's no owner, then ensure MB_TASKMODAL style (exclusive).
s = style
If hWndOwner = 0 Then
s = (s And (Not User32.MB_SYSTEMMODAL)) Or User32.MB_TASKMODAL
End If
' Assure that any capture is released
If User32.GetCapture() Then User32.ReleaseCapture()
result = User32.MessageBox(hWndOwner, m, t, s)
App.AutoBusySignal = autobusy
Execute = result
End Function
Function Message(titleStr as string, msg as string) as long
title = titleStr
message = msg
Message = Execute
End Function
Function Msg(msg as string) as long
message = msg
Msg = Execute
End Function
Sub ResetStyle()
style = User32.MB_OK
End Sub
Sub SetIconExclamation()
style = style Or User32.MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
End Sub
Sub SetIconInfo()
style = style Or User32.MB_ICONINFORMATION
End Sub
Sub SetIconNone()
style = style And (Not User32.MB_ICONMASK)
End Sub
Sub SetIconQuestion()
style = style Or User32.MB_ICONQUESTION
End Sub
Sub SetIconStop()
style = style Or User32.MB_ICONSTOP
End Sub
End Type
Type AbortRetryIgnoreBox From MessageBox
' METHODS for object: AbortRetryIgnoreBox
Sub ResetStyle()
End Sub
End Type
Type InputDialog From Form
Dim TEResponse As New TextBox
Dim BtnOK As New Button
Dim BtnCancel As New Button
Dim LblPrompt As New Label
Dim ControlMargin As Single
Dim Response As Long
Property Text Get getText Set setText As String
' METHODS for object: InputDialog
Sub BtnCancel_Click()
ModalResult IDCANCEL
End Sub
Sub BtnOK_Click()
ModalResult IDOK
End Sub
Function Execute(title, prompt, defaultResponse As String) As Long
If hWnd = 0 Then LoadForm
Response = IDCANCEL
Caption = title
LblPrompt.Text = prompt
TEResponse.Text = defaultResponse
TEResponse.SelStart = 0
TEResponse.SelLength = -1
' Must be visible for any SetFocus to work.
Response = ShowModal()
Execute = Response
End Function
Function getText As String
getText = IIf(Response = IDOK, TEResponse.Text, "")
End Function
Sub Load
Caption = ""
Response = IDCANCEL
End Sub
Sub MoveMinimumSize(ByVal newLeft as Single, ByVal newTop as Single)
Dim minWidth, minHeight As Single
Dim fudgeWidth, fudgeHeight As Single
If hWnd = 0 Then
End If
fudgeWidth = Width - ScaleWidth
fudgeHeight = Height - ScaleHeight
minWidth = (BtnOK.Width * 3) + (ControlMargin * 3) + fudgeWidth
minHeight = (BtnOK.Height * 2) + TEResponse.Height + (ControlMargin * 4) + fudgeHeight
Move(newLeft, newTop, minWidth, minHeight)
End Sub
Sub Resize()
Dim m, mm, mmm, bx, lw, lh, ty, th as single
Dim useWidth, useHeight as single
' Set up local margin variables for convenience
m = ControlMargin : mm = m + m : mmm = mm + m
' Calculate effective form width (min. is double button width plus margin)
useWidth = BtnOK.Width * 3 + mmm
If useWidth < ScaleWidth Then useWidth = ScaleWidth
' Calculate effective form height (min 2 btn ht. + text ht. + margin)
useHeight = BtnOK.Height * 2 + TEResponse.Height + mmm + m
If useHeight < ScaleHeight Then useHeight = ScaleHeight
' bx is the left edge of the two buttons, lw is label width.
bx = useWidth - BtnOK.Width - m
lw = bx - mm
th = TEResponse.Height
ty = useHeight - th - m
lh = ty - mm
LblPrompt.Move(m, m, lw, lh)
BtnOK.Left = bx
BtnCancel.Left = bx
TEResponse.Move(m, ty, useWidth - mm, th)
End Sub
Sub setText(t as String)
TEResponse.Text = t
End Sub
End Type
Type MultiLineInputDialog From InputDialog
' METHODS for object: MultiLineInputDialog
Sub Resize()
Dim m, mm, mmm, bx, lw, lh, ty, th as single
Dim useWidth, useHeight as single
' Set up local margin variables for convenience
m = ControlMargin : mm = m + m : mmm = mm + m
' Calculate effective form width (min. is triple button width plus margin)
useWidth = BtnOK.Width * 3 + mmm
If useWidth < ScaleWidth Then useWidth = ScaleWidth
' Calculate effective form height (min 4 btn ht. + margins)
useHeight = BtnOK.Height * 4 + mmm + mm
If useHeight < ScaleHeight Then useHeight = ScaleHeight
' bx is the left edge of the two buttons, lw is label width, etc.
bx = useWidth - BtnOK.Width - m
lw = bx - mm
BtnOK.Left = bx
BtnCancel.Left = bx
lh = BtnCancel.Top + BtnCancel.Height - m
LblPrompt.Move(m, m, lw, lh)
th = useHeight - mmm - lh
ty = lh + mm
TEResponse.Move(m, ty, useWidth - mm, th)
End Sub
End Type
Type OKCancelBox From MessageBox
' METHODS for object: OKCancelBox
Sub ResetStyle()
style = User32.MB_OKCANCEL
End Sub
End Type
Type OpenDialog From OpenDialog
End Type
Type InfoBox From MessageBox
' METHODS for object: InfoBox
Sub ResetStyle()
style = User32.MB_OK
End Sub
End Type
Type RetryCancelBox From MessageBox
' METHODS for object: RetryCancelBox
Sub ResetStyle()
style = User32.MB_RETRYCANCEL
End Sub
End Type
Type YesNoCancelBox From MessageBox
' METHODS for object: YesNoCancelBox
Sub ResetStyle()
style = User32.MB_YESNOCANCEL
End Sub
End Type
Type FindDialog From FindDialog
End Type
Type SaveAsDialog From SaveAsDialog
End Type
Type YesNoBox From MessageBox
' METHODS for object: YesNoBox
Sub ResetStyle()
style = User32.MB_YESNO
End Sub
End Type
Type SimpleMultiLineDialog From Form
Dim TbText As New TextBox
Property Text Get GetText Set SetText As String
' METHODS for object: SimpleMultiLineDialog
Sub Execute(ByVal title As String, ByVal readOnly As Boolean, ByVal wordWrap As Boolean)
Caption = title
TbText.ReadOnly = readOnly
TbText.WordWrap = wordWrap
End Sub
Sub ExecuteFile(fileName As String, ByVal readOnly As Boolean, ByVal wordWrap As Boolean)
Dim f As New TextFile
f.FileName = fileName
If f.Exists Then
Text = f.ContentsAsString
Text = "File: " & f.FullPathName & " not found."
End If
Execute(fileName, readOnly, wordWrap)
End Sub
Function GetText() As String
GetText = TbText.Text
End Function
Sub KeyDown(keyCode As Integer, ByVal shift As Integer)
' Take us down on ESC or (<Enter> && ReadOnly)
If keyCode = 27 || (TbText.ReadOnly && keyCode = 13) Then Hide
End Sub
Sub Resize()
TbText.Move(-2, -2, ScaleWidth + 2, ScaleHeight + 2)
End Sub
Sub SetText(text As String)
TbText.Text = text
End Sub
End Type
Type FontDialog From FontDialog
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: DefaultDialogFont
With DefaultDialogFont
.FaceName := "MS Sans Serif"
.Size := 8.000000
.Bold := True
.Italic := False
.Strikethru := False
End With 'DefaultDialogFont
' Reconstruction commands for object: CommonDialog
With CommonDialog
.Title := ""
End With 'CommonDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: ColorDialog
With ColorDialog
.Color := 16777216
End With 'ColorDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: WizardMaster
With WizardMaster
With .StepTraverser
.theStep := Nothing
End With 'WizardMaster.StepTraverser
With .Wizard
.title_ := ""
.Title := ""
.GraphicFileName := ""
.FirstStep := Nothing
.LastStep := Nothing
With .Bitmap
End With 'WizardMaster.Wizard.Bitmap
End With 'WizardMaster.Wizard
With .FrmStep
.ForeColor := 0
.Font := WizardMaster.Font
.Move(4290, 3300, 7155, 4815)
.BevelInner := "Raised"
.DefaultButton := WizardMaster.FrmStep.BtnNext
.CancelButton := WizardMaster.FrmStep.BtnCancel
.BorderStyle := "Fixed Single"
.MaxButton := False
.MinButton := False
.ControlBox := False
.wizard := Nothing
.NextStep := Nothing
.BackStep := Nothing
.initialized := 0
.inheritImageSize := -1
With .BtnFinish
.Caption := " &Finish"
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(6225, 4050, 825, 300)
End With 'WizardMaster.FrmStep.BtnFinish
With .BtnNext
.Caption := " &Next>"
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(5325, 4050, 825, 300)
End With 'WizardMaster.FrmStep.BtnNext
With .BtnBack
.Caption := " <&Back"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(4500, 4050, 825, 300)
End With 'WizardMaster.FrmStep.BtnBack
With .BtnCancel
.Caption := " Cancel"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(3600, 4050, 825, 300)
End With 'WizardMaster.FrmStep.BtnCancel
With .ImgGraphic
.Caption := "ImgGraphic"
.ZOrder := 7
.Move(225, 225, 2475, 3150)
End With 'WizardMaster.FrmStep.ImgGraphic
With .LblInstruction
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(2850, 225, 4125, 1500)
End With 'WizardMaster.FrmStep.LblInstruction
With .Frame1
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(75, 3825, 6975, 75)
End With 'WizardMaster.FrmStep.Frame1
End With 'WizardMaster.FrmStep
With .Font
.FaceName := "MS Sans Serif"
.Size := 8.000000
.Bold := True
.Italic := False
.Strikethru := False
End With 'WizardMaster.Font
End With 'WizardMaster
' Reconstruction commands for object: SelectDirectoryDialog
With SelectDirectoryDialog
.Caption := "Select Directory"
.Font := DefaultDialogFont
.Move(5700, 2412, 4656, 3144)
.DefaultButton := SelectDirectoryDialog.BtnOk
.CancelButton := SelectDirectoryDialog.BtnCancel
.MaxButton := False
.MinButton := False
.ignoreClick := False
.dirMustExist := False
With .BtnOk
.Caption := "OK"
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(3585, 84, 900, 300)
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.BtnOk
With .BtnCancel
.Caption := "Cancel"
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(3585, 459, 900, 300)
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.BtnCancel
With .TbDir
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(516, 96, 2919, 276)
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.TbDir
With .LblDir
.Caption := "Dir:"
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(120, 150, 330, 225)
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.LblDir
With .CbDrives
.ZOrder := 3
.ShowFiles := False
.ShowDrives := True
.Move(3585, 1209, 900, 288)
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.CbDrives
With .LblDrive
.Caption := "Drive:"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(3585, 909, 900, 225)
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.LblDrive
With .LstDirs
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(96, 516, 3336, 2184)
.ExpandOnDblClick := True
.IconBitmap := SelectDirectoryDialog.LstDirs.bitmap
.IconHeight := 14
.IconWidth := 14
.Sorted := True
.HighlightStyle := "FullLine"
.scratchLevel := 1
.scratchPos := 8
.scratchIndex := 14
.CurrDrive := "w:\"
.scratchParent := 13
.SelPath := ""
With .bitmap
.FileName := "W:\cico\FOLDER.BMP"
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.LstDirs.bitmap
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.LstDirs
With .dir
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog.dir
End With 'SelectDirectoryDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: MessageBox
With MessageBox
.result := 0
.hWndOwner := 0
.style := 0
.title := ""
.message := ""
End With 'MessageBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: AbortRetryIgnoreBox
With AbortRetryIgnoreBox
.style := 18
End With 'AbortRetryIgnoreBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: InputDialog
With InputDialog
.Caption := "Rename Object"
.Font := DefaultDialogFont
.Move(3720, 1800, 4116, 1656)
.DefaultButton := InputDialog.BtnOK
.CancelButton := InputDialog.BtnCancel
.ControlMargin := 60
.Response := 1
.Text := "AboutEnvelopForm"
With .TEResponse
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(60, 912, 3900, 312)
End With 'InputDialog.TEResponse
With .BtnOK
.Caption := "&OK"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(3096, 60, 864, 324)
End With 'InputDialog.BtnOK
With .BtnCancel
.Caption := "&Cancel"
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(3096, 444, 864, 324)
End With 'InputDialog.BtnCancel
With .LblPrompt
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(60, 60, 2976, 792)
End With 'InputDialog.LblPrompt
End With 'InputDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: MultiLineInputDialog
With MultiLineInputDialog
.Caption := "Enter comment"
.Move(3636, 1824, 4980, 3432)
.DefaultButton := MultiLineInputDialog.BtnOK
.CancelButton := MultiLineInputDialog.BtnCancel
.Text := ""
With .TEResponse
.Move(60, 828, 4764, 2172)
.WordWrap := True
.MultiLine := True
.ScrollBars := "Vertical"
End With 'MultiLineInputDialog.TEResponse
With .BtnOK
.Move(3960, 60, 864, 324)
End With 'MultiLineInputDialog.BtnOK
With .BtnCancel
.Move(3960, 444, 864, 324)
End With 'MultiLineInputDialog.BtnCancel
With .LblPrompt
.Move(60, 60, 3840, 708)
End With 'MultiLineInputDialog.LblPrompt
End With 'MultiLineInputDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: OKCancelBox
With OKCancelBox
.style := 33
End With 'OKCancelBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: OpenDialog
With OpenDialog
.DefaultExtension := ""
.FileMustExist := True
.FileName := ""
.Filter := "|"
.FilterIndex := 0
.InitialDir := ""
.NoNetworkButton := False
.NoChangeDir := True
.PathMustExist := True
End With 'OpenDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: InfoBox
With InfoBox
.style := 64
End With 'InfoBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: RetryCancelBox
With RetryCancelBox
.style := 53
End With 'RetryCancelBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: YesNoCancelBox
With YesNoCancelBox
.style := 35
End With 'YesNoCancelBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: FindDialog
With FindDialog
.FindString := ""
.DisableUpDown := False
.DisableMatchCase := False
.DisableWholeWord := False
.HideUpDown := False
.HideMatchCase := False
.HideWholeWord := False
.MatchCase := False
.MatchWholeWord := False
.SearchDown := True
End With 'FindDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: SaveAsDialog
With SaveAsDialog
.DefaultExtension := ""
.FileName := ""
.Filter := "|"
.FilterIndex := 0
.InitialDir := ""
.NoNetworkButton := False
.NoChangeDir := False
.PathMustExist := True
End With 'SaveAsDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: YesNoBox
With YesNoBox
.style := 36
End With 'YesNoBox
' Reconstruction commands for object: SimpleMultiLineDialog
With SimpleMultiLineDialog
.Move(1068, 324, 6756, 6552)
.KeyPreview := True
.ScaleMode := "Pixel"
.Text := ""
With .TbText
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(-2, -2, 557, 517)
.Ctrl3d := False
.MultiLine := True
.ReadOnly := True
.ScrollBars := "Vertical"
End With 'SimpleMultiLineDialog.TbText
End With 'SimpleMultiLineDialog
' Reconstruction commands for object: FontDialog
With FontDialog
.Title := "AboutEnvelopForm.btnStory.Font"
.FaceName := "System"
.Size := 12
.Bold := True
.Italic := False
.Strikethru := False
.Underline := False
.Color := -1
.OnlyAnsi := False
.OnlyFixedPitch := False
.OnlyTrueType := False
.AllowEffects := True
.AllowFaceSelect := True
.AllowStyleSelect := True
.AllowSizeSelect := True
.LimitSize := False
.SizeMin := 0
.SizeMax := 0
.Font := Nothing
End With 'FontDialog
End Code